倍福(Beckhoff)是一家專注于自動化新技術的德資企業,創立于1980年,總部位于德國威爾市。作為全球自動化技術的驅動者,倍福定義了自動化領域的許多標準,是國際標準的制定者和推動者。公司所生產的工業 PC、現場總線模塊、驅動產品和TwinCAT自動化軟件構成了一套完整的、相互兼容的控制系統,可為各個工控領域提供開放式自動化系統和完整的解決方案。經過 40年的發展和努力,倍福已在世界各地設立 30 多家分支機構,加上全球的合作伙伴,業務遍及 70 多個國家和地區。
公司傾力推廣的 EtherCAT 實時工業以太網于2014年成為中國國家推薦性標準,并已入編工信部的《國家智能制造標準體系建設指南》。作為一家技術驅動型公司,倍福一直注重在技術上尋求突破創新,在業內享有“創新引擎”的美譽。倍?;赑C的控制技術具有良好的開放性,它支持所有主流的工業通信協議,將IT技術、互聯網和自動化技術完美融合在一起,為實現工業 4.0 和智能制造奠定了堅實的技術基礎。
BeckhoffAutomation GmbH & Co. KG, established in 1980, is an internationallycompany with global headquarters in Verl, Westphalia, Germany - with a focus onnew automation technology. As the pioneer of global automation technology, Beckhoffdefines many standards in the field of automation, and is the promoter ofinternational standards. The product range covers Industrial PCs, I/O and fieldbuscomponents, drive technology and automation software. Products that can be usedas separate components or integrated into a complete and seamless controlsystem are available for all industries. After 40 years of development andefforts Beckhoff is now represented worldwide in over 70 countries by 30subsidiary companies and distributors.
Beckhoffhas entered Chinese market since 1997 and its headquarters in China are locatedin Shanghai Shibei Industrial New Zone. The company currently employs 280people across China and is presented in 26 large and medium-sized cities. Today,its innovative products and solutions are widespread in the most diverseindustries and has proven themselves, for example, in wind energy,semiconductor, photovoltaic, electronic manufacturing, as well as inmetalworking, packaging, printing and plastics industries, in tire processing,woodworking, glass processing, logistics and transport and intelligent buildingautomation.
In2014, EtherCAT real-time Ethernet has become a recommended national standard inChina and has been included in “Guide to Constructing Standard System forIntelligent Manufacturing” published by MIIT (Ministry of Industry andInformation Technology of the People's Republic China). As a well-known technology-drivencompany, Beckhoff has always focused on seeking for breakthroughs and innovationsin technology and has built a reputation industry-wide as an “innovation engine”.Due to its openness, the PC-based control technology from Beckhoff supports allmainstream industrial communication protocols andbrings together the worlds of IT, Internet and automation technology. It alsorepresents the optimum basis for implementing intelligent manufacturing andIndustry 4.0 concepts.
郵 箱:wei.wang@beckhoff.com.cn
網 址:http://www.beckhoff.com.cn
電 話:021-6631 2666
地 址:中國上海市靜安區汶水路 299弄 9-10號(市北智匯園 4號樓)